Life With Nicole. FAQ

Here you will find any common questions that might come up when reading a post here on the blog. If any questions arise that are not answered here I will try to do my best to answer them for you!

What type of camera do you use?

  • I use a Canon Rebel T3i, with the standard 55-80 mm lens that came with it. 

What editing program do you use to edit your photos? 

  • I use Picasa, its a free download from google since I don't have enough money to purchase Photoshop, maybe one day I will. 

How do you light your photos?  

  • I have a makeshift light box that gets the job done okay. I hope to one day have a professional light box, I use a GE Daylight bulb in a reading lamp to illuminate my light box.  Or if the sun is out and its not freezing out I use the good ole sun to light my way!