Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Review: Not Your Mothers Clean Freak Shampoo & Conditioner!

Purchased by me. 

Good morning my lovelies! How are you? Today I have a review for you from the brand Not Your Mothers!

A few weeks ago I published a review on their Way To Grow shampoo and conditioner, and today I wanted to bring you the second of the three shampoos and conditioners that they have!

The weather this summer has been absolutely crazy this year! Some days its hotter than anything, other days are just perfect and then there are days where it was down right cool and you actually needed a hoodie. Well... at least here in New York.

On the hot days my hair doesn't fair so well, I have normal to oily combination hair as it is and add sweat into that equation and BAM my hair just turns to yuck. I had been using Herbal Essences Cleansing Conditioner to help combat the oil every few washes but the moisturizing part was a little too heavy on my hair.

When I found out that NYM had brought out shampoos and conditioners to match some of their best hair care products I was more than happy to pick them up to give them a try, and that's how I found the Clean Freak Shampoo and Conditioner.

So far I have only seen them at Walgreen's in my area but I know they are widely available online and at other retailers. Sometimes Walgreen's has a sale and the employees who run the cosmetic counter have coupons most of the time, which is great for my wallet!

Like Way To Grow, Clean Freak is Sulfate free, and is also for all hair types, but Clean Freak also adds on no parabens or dyes! It gives you ultra clean hair while maintaining your hair's natural moisture. The conditioner is also, sulfate, paraben,and dye free. It's super moisturizing leaving your hair silky and with a luxurious shine! 

For my combo hair I found that Clean Freak left my hair feeling clean but not overly clean and with the moisturizing conditioner it didn't pack a ton of moisture back into my hair where it felt weighed down. After my hair dried it felt soft and silky, and was very manageable. 

One thing I love on this hair care set is the scent! Rosemary and mint. It's such a refreshing scent I can't stop smelling my hair for days afterward! I believe  this would also be a good shampoo and conditioner to help wake you up in the shower and get your day going. 

Overall I have loved using this set during the hot days of summer, it has really made a difference on managing my hair. I can't wait to see how it helps my hair into the upcoming fall! 

Have a great day lovelies! I'll talk to you soon! 
<3 Nicole