Happy Thursday!
Soooo... today is all about patterns or what inspires us. I've been feeling springy lately only because we still have no measurable snow fall this winter. Its crazy! It snows, then rains and gets washed away, I'm not complaining though. I haven't had to call out of work yet due to weather!
So for today's manicure I used my new Zoya polish and new favorite pink Flora. Its a bright bubblegum pink creme that is gorgeous! I cannot wait to wear this more for spring time! I purchased Flora when Zoya had their get 2 polishes free as long as you pay the shipping. I plan on doing a review of my Zoya Polishes after the challenge is over.
After applying my base color I stamped with my Wet n Wild Black Creme polish the argyle stamp from my Salon Express Kit.
So my stamping skills still need a tad bit more improvement but I think I did a pretty good job!
I wish I didn't have to take this manicure off, I love black, and pink together!
Oh and on a complete side note.. I heard by reading the blog Nouveau Cheap that there is a drugstore magnetic nail polish coming out at Rite Aid. I will be hunting my local Rite Aids until I decide to spend the money on the China Glaze ones. I'm just not happy you have to buy the magnet separately!
Okay so now is your turn to go and see what my friends used as patterns today!
LINDSAY ! Follow me on Twitter! @mynailsmypolish