Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Benefit Cosmetics: Rockateur.

Hey all! Happy Wednesday, and happy 10 days until spring! I am so excited for spring, I have had enough of the snow!

Today's post is going to be a review on a product that purchased in my latest Sephora order. Now I don't get to order from Sephora often, usually its once to maybe twice a year when I get my tax refund or if I have a little extra money. Its kind of turned into this yearly thing for me where I can stock up on my favorite body products and splurge on some high end make up!

I have never been able to try anything from Benefit Cosmetics before, I have always seen YouTube videos and blog post about some of their amazing products, and now I am so glad I finally own one!

The Rockateur blush was something that I heard a lot about in the beauty community. I heard how pretty it was, how it was a natural rose gold blush that all my favorite gurus were using. I am a SUCKER for anything rose gold. I have at least 5 nail polishes that are rose gold in color from all different brands and I will totally buy more when I come across them. Rose gold, whether its in jewelry, makeup, clothing, or nail polish it seems to suite a multitude of skin tones which is awesome.

So when I heard about Rockateur it became a lemming of mine that is now finally squashed.

I like the packaging on Rockateur, its girly with the lace yet a little edgy with the fake snake skin and black square studs. I'll be honest I couldn't really see the studs at first and thought something was on my blush!

Upon seeing the blush I thought wow this is really tiny! The Internet sure makes things look bigger! But that doesn't mean this blush won't pack a punch, a light natural looking punch but a punch none the less.

Look at all that rose gold goodness! It is so beautiful I almost didn't want to use it! As you can see it cut off there is a decent size mirror with the packaging, this also comes with a brush but I don't usually use them. This blush is scented, its a nice floral scent that doesn't bother my nose at all, but if you are not a fan of scented makeup then this might not be for you. You can smell it when you apply it to your cheeks but thats about it, you definitely do not go throughout the day smelling the blush.

As I said above this blush is made to give you a natural flush. I have never been huge on bright blushes so this was right up my ally.

Here is a concentrated swatch of Rockateur. I still can't get over the rosy goldness of this blush. I literally have used this every day since I got it!

The price tag on this beautiful piece of makeup is $28, even though I was doing my annual Sephora splurge don't think that I didn't research this blush till I was blue in the face.  I think I took it in and out of my shopping cart 10 times before saying 'screw it you only do this once a year!" Although to someone who doesn't have extra money all the time,  it is pricey but then again it is high end.

I hope that maybe this review gave you an insight to Rockateur amongst the other hundreds of reviews out there. Whether it sways you one way or another that's up to you but I love it and am glad it has a place in my makeup collection.

Until next time!
<3 Nicole