Friday, September 26, 2014

Who wanrts to see Vacation Slides?? (Pic Heavy!)

Okay so maybe not slides but photos? I took a few photos on my vacation and thought I would share them here with you.

So lets start with my nails. My nails have taken a beating over the last few months, I've been keeping them short because every time they start to get long, they break, and so I don't accidently break them as well.

Before vacation I bought China Glaze's Surfin' For Boys, its from the 2012 neon collection. The one neon collection from China Glaze that I almost bought all of! And I don't know how I left this one out. Its a bright  orange-red coral, that litterally glows on you nails and makes your skin look more tan than it is. I can't imagine what it would look like if I had my self tanning stuff on.

My nails and my drink on our flight out to Florida.
Also first Pumpkin Spice Latte of the Season!

I was really happy with how my nails turned out. But sadly they didn't last long. Halfway through my vacation my nail polish chipped off in sheets. So I had naked nails for a few days until my Aunt needed to do her nails so I painted my nails with my first Ulta nail polish in Vintage Violet. it was actually the nail color my cousin used on her bridesmaids when she got married back in April.

My nails only after two days of vacation :( 

Its such a pretty pink/purple color! 
So that was my nail journey on vacation. Its not a lot but I just haven't been on my nail game lately. Makeup game yes, but my nails have suffered. I'm hoping this weekend while I'm finishing up my vacation that I can get some swatching done and maybe some halloween nail art too.

Next up are just some random photos I took of things I thought were cool or interesting! The above photos were taken with my iPhone and the rest with my Sony Cybershot.

Since my nana has been sick, epsecially of late some of her neighbors stopped by and brought her flowers and I fell in love with these brightly colored daisies!

32,000 Feet in up in the sky! 

Flying in to Detroit Michigan. 

Above are some photos from the plane. I had a love window seat from Tampa to Detroit on our flight home!

The next few photos are just random shots I took during the day!

Much needed family time. 

Sadie! My aunts dog. 

There are so many of these little guys every where! Some of them are huge! 

We ate copious amounts of food, it was insane. 

Bindi my nana's dog. 

Those two dogs were my best friends over vacation, it makes me want to get a dog again!

We went to this one resturant/bar called The Upper Deck, its right on the water of I believe the Weeki Wachee river. There's a man made beach right across from it and you go kayaking, and take small boats over it. You can also see the manatee's that live in the river too but we never saw any. We only saw a huge crab crawling along the bottom. The food was really good. I had a buffalo chicken wrap and it was delicious!

These are the cranes that live in the neighbor hood. They come right up on the lawn and eat whatever they find. They don't bother anyone unless you try to bother them. They start calling out and raise up there wings. Its kind of cool yet scary too!

Lastly here is a photo of a wild Peacock. Yup a wild one! There are actually four that roam around the neighborhood and one of them is pure white. I wish I could of gotten a photo of that one! This one just walked right up and started eating the bugs off my cousins car! 

So thats it on cool photos I took. If you want to see more photos from my trip check out my Instagram page, thats where I posted most of the photos of my trip! 

I'll talk to you guys soon! <3 Nicole