Sunday, January 4, 2015

Did you know you can see more content on Youtube? Name Change?

Hello lovelies and Happy New Year to you all!! I hope 2015 is good to us. I was very glad to see 2014 go!

Yup you read the title right, I'm doing a little shameless self-promotion. With the New Year 4 days in already I am determined to make myself a better blogger and YouTuber this year.

If you didn't know by the one or two post I have posted here that I also make YouTube videos now and have been since around Easter back last year. It was stepping I had been looking to make for sometime and finally took the leap.

I'm trying to find a balance between here and YouTube and deciding on what content to put where. I feel YouTube is better for Tutorials, except nail art related ones for me. I don't think I'm anywhere good enough to do those so I'll leave those to the professionals. I also enjoy making favorites videos versus long ass blog post that have 100 photos. However I love writing blog posts where I can show you lovely readers amazing swatch photos, and usually video can never do a good picture justice.

So as 2015 marches on you will see me try to find my footing.

Now on to a different topic. When I created My Nails. My Polish almost four years ago, (its been four years? Holy crap!) I was mainly going to be a nail polish specific blog. For a time I was, and I enjoyed it greatly. I have made some awesomely beautiful friends along the way and many new ones too and I wouldn't trade any of that away.

But about a year to a year and a half ago I started branching out more into the whole realm of beauty and didn't focus too much on polish anymore. I was doing post like Free For All Beauty Fridays and reviews and then eventually I realized I was posting more beauty related topics than manicures.

Over that time I have come to find that I love EVERYTHING beauty related and don't want to focus on one thing. I enjoy doing my makeup and creating different looks and I can't stop reading about new products coming out. Don't even get me started on skin and hair care.

So with all of that being said, I was thinking about a name change. My Nails. My Polish could still work as a blog name, hell it has for almost four years but I feel it doesn't reflect what the blog has become.

Here is where I need my lovely readers to help me out. I need you to help me decide if I should go through the painstaking task of changing over my Blog Name, Social Media Accounts, and so on. I have an idea for a name ' Nic's Beauty Bits'. It incorporates my name and what the blog has become. I'm just on the fence of whether or not I should do it. So what do you think??

In the comments below Please, please let me know what you think, Your voice matters in what I do because if it wasn't for you guys I wouldn't even be here!

I love you guys! <3 Nicole