Friday, October 7, 2016

Life update/Rant...a bit more ranty though.


Life is; busy, balancing work, social life, family obligations, paying bills, going to appointments. 

I hate being an adult.

I started blogging over five years ago. That's insane by the way! Not that I have EVER been consistent or anything. I wish I was. I know I tried to get myself on a schedule more than once but that four letter word gets in the way and all of this gets put to the back burner and sat there to simmer for god knows how long. 

When I started my blog, I had much more time on my hands. I worked a schedule where I was home most of the day so sitting on the computer or playing with nail polish was possible.I had much more energy five years ago, staying up till 2am swatching was totally awesome. I would put on Netflix and go to work.  I miss that. Now I work full time, and on my days off I’m running errands, going to doctor appointments and spending time with friends and family. Which is totally awesome too by the way, don’t get me wrong.  I also got to bed by 10pm every night and if I do stay up late I barely make it to midnight and if I happen to make it to 2am I am shattered the next day. 

When did I become an adult? I have managed to blog and YouTube in the last few months and that's great, I feel really accomplished when I manage to post something. I see my other blogging friend doing this as a regular thing and I think; “How do they manage everything?” 

I intended this post to be a life update, but theres not much to update, and now its become kind of rangy hasn't it? 

I guess what I’m trying to say is that I’m still going to blog and make videos, but I just may not post regularly. All of this started out as a hobby, a hobby that I still love and obsess over. I just don't get to post about it much. Maybe one day I will find a way to make blogging and Youtubing a regular thing. 

For now though, I hope you guys, the lovely people that still read here when I post, or like a photo on my Instagram, will stick with me and my irregular posting! Thank you all who have been here for the last five years and I here's to the next five! 

And since you have made it to the end of this post here is a cute picture of Kitkat, ( my kitty if you didn’t know that already :) ) I'll talk to you soon! <3 Nicole