Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Nails Of The Day! Pretty Woman Magnetix Nail Polish! (Pic Heavy)

Good afternoon!

Today I have this awesome nails of the day to show you as you can probably read by the title! I just found this at Rite Aid today!! I have been lemming this polish ever since I heard G. over at Nouveau Cheap show it on her blog!

I have magnetic polishes from Claire's and from China Glaze that I still have yet to post reviews about, I'm hoping to have those up sometime after valentines day. I wanted to wear them to work and see how they held up and try different magnets on them.

The reason why I am not giving myself time to really review this polish is I had to show you the awesome color! When I heard that Rite Aid was going to carry the Pretty Woman Cosmetics Magnetix Nail Polish I was stoked! They retail for $7.99 and with tax they come to $8.63. Not too bad for one polish, but you get two magnets with it. You get the wavy magnet and the diagonal stripe magnet.

The magnets are encased in rubber and are a little hard for me to use, I found the best way to use them was to flip the magnet over and hold my nail upside down as close as I could, if I held the magnet over top of my nail the design was fairly muddled and I had to redo it.

These colors have no name like the Icing and Claire's ones. I can describe the color as a green/bluish teal that leans more green. I have been looking for a teal magnetic polish and no one has one but You Mix Cosmetics retailing for 8 dollars. The magnetic effect just so pretty I have no idea how to describe it to you its like a light teal that comes through and its is just so pretty.

I'll let the pictures do the talking.

I threw in a thumb shot to show how the cool the effect came out. It does say to apply polish and then hold the magnet over for 15 seconds for the design to show. One coat is not opaque, it is fairly sheer. I would suggest one coat then let it set then do the next coat a little thicker and then immediately hold the magnet which ever way works best for you.

Here are a couple pictures of the magnetic and a better way to see how I hold the magnet.

Okay so now that you have read and looked at pictures and made it to the end, I wish I could give you all cookies! But I can say Thanks for reading.

I hope if you live near a Rite Aid that you can find this soon! There was a pink sparkly one I am thinking about getting at the end of the week!

Talk to you all soon!