Although today I am back! Today I have a polish from L.A. Girl Disco Brights polish. This photos and notes on this polish has been sitting in my 'need to blog' folder for at least a month now!
All of the polishes that are in this collection are creme finishes and glow under a black light! I sadly do not have a black light, so I can't show you how cool this polish is.
Vinyl Record is a pretty teal creme that leads more blue then green. I think I have like three of them now!
The formula on this polish was a dream. Two coats and perfect opacity! The brush is the usual standard brush and I had no problems with it.
I think that this polish would be great to stamp with and then sticking your hands under a black light and only the bits that you stamped light up!
L.A. Girl polishes are usually sold at Rite Aid. At least that's where I got mine from. I don't actually remember how much this was but I want to say it was probably $3.99.