Saturday, December 29, 2012

My Top 10 Polishes of 2012! Part 2!

Good Morning and welcome to part 2 of My Top 10 Polishes of 2012!

Today I am going to show case my last five favorite polishes of 2012.

Lets get started!

First on the list in the second half is from Cover Girl! This fall Cover Girl released a nail polish collection with all different colors. I'm sure Cover Girl has had polishes in the past but this is the first I have seen them since I started blogging. Out of the collection that Cover Girl has to offer I chose a polish that I definitely don't own already or have anything close to. It is called Wine Stain. It is an dark blood red jelly finish polish that is super saturated with color and is right up there with my favorite reds.  I used this polish also in a Halloween manicure this year, it looked pretty really for fake blood drippings.

Next is a polish I never thought I would get my hands on. OPI is not commonly sold where I live but the grocery store that I work at sells it and sometimes we get in one or two of the new collections. Like right now there is a polish from the James Bond Collection hiding in the back waiting for me to purchase it this weekend!

Anyway my favorite OPI from this year is I Have A Herring Problem. Its from the Holland Collection that was released in the spring. It is a blue-grey polish that is just beautiful. It has this most amazing silver shimmer running through it as well.  Its the one polish out of the collection that if I was going to buy one it would be this one.

 Back in September my sister from another mister had a beautiful baby girl and when we had her baby shower one month before her due date I wore this next favorite. I got it when I ordered half the Summer Neon Collection from Head2Toe Beauty. It is Pink Plumeria. It is a lovely light corally pink neon. This collection of neon's is special, because they are not just BAM in your face neon's, they have a shimmer to them that even if you left them without a top coat they would still look amazing.

When I wore this polish for the baby shower I stamped butterflies over it and I think it was very appropriate for her shower. Take a look.

Second to last on my list was a glitter polish. What nail polish addict doesn't love a good glitter polish. I know I do. As much as they can be a pain in the you know where, I can't resist. China Glaze released a collection during the summer called On Safari. I was attracted to only the glitters. I'm Not Lion is a gold micro fine holographic glitter polish. In the sunlight it is super sparkly and would be appropriate I think in the work place. Its not loud its just right.

Last but certainly not least is a polish that I think a lot of nail polish lovers liked. I know I had a few conversations with people about it. China Glaze's Wicked Halloween Collection had a couple amazing polishes in it this year, as you saw by my choice for Immortal. This last one is just amazing. Its called Bizarre Blurple. You know how here in the nail polish world we sometimes combine words to make a new that describes a polish? Well China Glaze caught on and gave us this beauty. When I took these pictures my camera didn't want to pick up the purple, as it never does it just got the blue of the polish. Doesn't matter though it still amazeballs!

So that's it! My Top 10 for 2012! I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did and if you wore any of these polishes this year leave a comment below!!
I believe my final post for the year will be a new years eve manicure so keep a look out for that!