Monday, December 31, 2012

New Years Eve Mani!

Happy New Years Eve everyone!!

Unless you are in a completely different time zone and its already New Years there, then HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Today I have for you what I am currently wearing for the end of 2012!

2012 has been such an amazing year! I have had some awesome moments and some not so awesome moments but I do think the good out weighs the bad for sure! I have reached so many milestones between life and here on the blog. I never thought my tiny little corner of the internet would get to where it has. As of this post I have hit 8100 views on here and surpassed 200 followers on twitter and I can't tell you all how grateful I am for that! If it wasn't for YOU the readers and followers and the amazing friends I have made, I would not be here!

In life I have had some beautiful things happen. For the first time I feel somewhat financially secure, I paid off all my credit card debt this year and some school debt. All I have left is my student loans from college which we all know takes forever to pay off! I got to welcome my beautiful niece Gianna Nicole in to the world, watching her grow everyday is such a blessing, I can't wait until she utters the words "Aunt Pumpernickel" ( yes that's my nickname :) )

I hope that 2013 will be more amazing than 2012 and I know it will be since there are some amazing things on the horizon. But I would rather talk about them when they happen, right now they are growing and just not ready to bloom. All in all I can't complain about the last year its been just awesome!

So For NYE I originally planned to wear something completely different then what I am going to show you, but I thought there wasn't enough pizzazz for New Years.  So I chose this; I started off with a normal black polish. I used a  Maybelline one that I have had forever, they don't make it anymore I think, I applied two coats for opacity and waited patiently for it to dry. Once dry I took a polish that the lovely Adri from Morie's Nail Art ( go and check her out! ) sent me in our Holiday Swap. Its one of my first Klean Color Polishes. It is appropriately named "Midnight Seduction" and I also used Confetti's Tasmanian Devil. I added Tasmanian Devil to my ring finger and thumb and Midnight Seduction to the rest of the nails. TD is a standard multi-colored glitter and Midnight Seduction is fine glitter polish that flashes blue and magenta.

It may be a simple manicure but sometimes that is the best route. I don't usually wear black nail polish but it is the best two show off these two beautiful glitters.

I hope that for you my dear readers and followers that of 2012 was a good year for you or not and  that 2013 will be oh so much better! If you do go out and party it up tonight please DO NOT DRINK AND DRIVE! If your out on the town take a cab home or if at a friends place please crash there or have a designated driver. I don't drink myself but I have seen people who have and what it can do so also PLEASE DRINK RESPONSABLEY!!

Take Care all and see you next year!!
<3 Nicole