Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Sugary Sweet for Valentines Day!

Good Morning!

Today I bring you another Valentines Day nail art manicure!

I have always wanted to try ' Sugar Spun' Nails. I had seen a few other bloggers try it out and I thought that is nifty how it really looks like threads of sugar over their nails! So sitting on the couch one day surfing Instagram as I do on occasion ( ok who doesn't do that?) I saw that one of the Instagramers I follow ( sorry I don't remember who) had done some sugar spun nails for this past NY Fashion Week.

I was sort of in a funk on what to do for another nail art manicure since I wanted to have some leading up until V-day, and this was just the thing I needed.

First off if you are not a fan of bright colors for Valentines Day or your Anti Valentines then maybe this isn't for you or you can do it in colors that suit your current mood!

For my base color I decided to finally try out Cover Girl Stay Brilliant Nail Lacquer in Vio-last. Vio-last is a vibrant purple crème, it is absolutely fantastic and I will have swatches and a review up of it soon! I have to say it comes pretty close to my all time favorite purple!

Once my two coats of Vio-last was dry I quickly YouTubed a how to on 'Sugar Spun' nails just to make sure I had it right on what I was doing. For the 'Sugar' part I used Nicole By OPI Still Into Pink, which is new to their core collection. I'll have separate swatches of that up too!

Basically the concept of 'Sugar Spun' Nails is to let the polish you are using to create the sugar get sticky and thick enough so when you take a toothpick to it, it creates  strings that you drag over your nail and you do this over and over until you get the desired look you want. You are limitless on the amount of colors you can use!

I found while doing this is that one little puddle of polish will help you cover one nail maybe two if your nail beds are small. But after a while the polish dries up or gets too goopy to make anymore strings, so do expect to use a little polish to accomplish this look.

One note to take is after dragging the sugar pieces on to your nail make sure you let them dry well and I don't mean just a few minutes, some of the more bumpy parts will still be squishy and if your not careful you will push them down. As you can see I did that to my ring finger slightly down the center where the polish had built up.

The feel of my nails after letting my sugar pieces dry, was very textured and bumpy, so if your a fan of smooth nails its not going to happen here. These photos are taken after one coat of top coat and in natural light. I do have a little tip wear since I took these the day after I did them. For the few days I did wear them, they wore pretty well.

So if you want to be all sugared up for Valentines Day then this manicure is right up your ally!

Hope you guys enjoyed and I'll talk to you soon!
<3 Nicole.