Monday, August 12, 2013

45 Days of Untrieds Day 17: Sinful Colors: Cool Grey

Good Monday morning! Hope you all had a great weekend. I spent some of mine school shopping. I just have to get a few more supplies and then some fall clothing.

I also want to tell to you guys that I when I last did a untried's post I talked about getting a new job, I ultimately made the decision  not to take the job. I have many reasons for not taking it but the main one is because I would not be making enough money at my new job to support myself while I am in school. Plus we also might be getting a new house, we went and looked at a couple and have started negotiations on one. If everything goes as plans which I pray it does ( and if you don't mind say a pray for us too) then it would be a better idea to not give up my higher paying old job.

To say the least though everyone I work with is happy I'm not leaving. They told me they weren't going to let me leave anyway. But I'm glad I'm staying, mostly for the people and the money. I know that sounds bad.

Anyway on to today's untried. It is a Sinful Colors Polish I picked up from one of those middle of the isle displays at good old Wal-Mart.  It is called Cool Grey. I think if the weather was gloomy this would be the perfect polish to wear.  They are predicting today's forecast to have a 30% chance of rain, we'll see if that actually happens.

This polish is a creme finish. My favorite type! This polish is opaque in two coats but I did a standard three with a layer of top coat to smooth it out.

If you are not careful and apply the layers too thick you can cause it to look uneven and lumpy. Hence the reason for a good top coat!

The color is pretty much your standard slate grey. When I wore it around my friends they said it was the most simple color I had ever worn but it was still pretty. I think it a great palette cleansing polish.

One other reason I picked this polish up was because I thought it would be a great background color for future nail art attempts.

If you like this polish I still believe that it is available at Wal-Mart. The same display I got it off of was still there.

If you guys liked this polish then please head over to Adriana's blog (Morie's Nail Art) and Shaylads over on Instagram!

What polishes do you like for palette cleansers?? 

<3 Nicole