Wednesday, August 21, 2013


Hey guys!

So I apologize like mad for not keeping up with the 45 Days Of Untried Challenge. If you follow my blog posts then you know that I have a ton of stuff going on right now between school, work, possibly moving and now my nieces first birthday which is less than a month away.

Life in general has been unbelievably stressful and my body and mind are taking the brunt of it. I can't remember the last day where I just sat around my house and did nothing but blog or swatch. I can't even remember the last time I just didn't have anything to do at all.

Kids don't grow up its not fun.

On terms of good news though, I did receive an awesome swap package from Lindsay of Polish and Diamonds. She desperately needed the Salon Perfect Neon Collision polishes and they were not being sold in Canada so I agree to get them for her if we could do a swap. She sent me my very first ever Gosh polishes, Joe Fresh, and my very first ever butter London polish!!! If you saw her Instagram Post then you know that I also sent her a few extras too.

On the moving front, we are working hard on getting a house right now and it is crazy how much the rules have changed since my parents last owned a home, (which was when I was a very small child).

I really hope all the hard work we are putting into getting a home pays off, I seriously cannot wait to move.

Today I am making my school schedule, my major is Business Accounting. Wish me luck there, I will be buried in a ton of business classes for the next three months.

So to keep this post short I will say this, once I get my school schedule done, my new work availability done, and my nieces first birthday done, that's when I will probably see when I have time to blog. I didn't want to take a 'break' from the blog considering I don't always post on a daily basis anyway.

But I if it looks like a break and seems like a break then it probably is a break.

So on that note I will say have a great day and I will definitely keep you all updated on how things are going and if I find time to sneak in a post I will do so! So you never know!

Thanks for reading and I'll talk to you all soon!