Monday, September 30, 2013

Hi guys!!

So it's been over a month since I last posted on here. How are you all??? 

I am doing ok, everything is going well but I sure am busy as heck with school work and life in general! After I posted about taking a break I was kind of regretting it. I kept thinking that I could find a way to blog and do everything else. I realize now though that if I had tried to do everything I would be down to a frazzle and sometimes I think I am. 

If you follow me on Instagram I try to post manicure photos when I actually have time to do my nails! I have found out that I have been wearing polishes for 5-6 days and letting it chip which in turn makes my nails break and chip themselves. And basically my nails have been looking disastrous!  Yesterday I had to paint my nails right after eating lunch while catching up on reading, and Netflix haha. I know watching Netflix probably isn't a necessity but I have become addicted to the tv show Supernatural.... 

If you have seen the show then you know why. 

Obligations outside of school and work have been crazy too! I feel I don't get to see my family so much. But to be honest even when I wasn't at school I didn't see them much. 

We celebrated my nieces first birthday this month! It was so cute and a sad yet exciting time. She's now standing up and saying a few words and clapping. I wish she was still a new born. I miss holding her like that, now she just likes to squirm around and be cranky because she's teething. But personally I can't wait to see her walk and actually form words for sentences! 

Ok so enough babbling for me, here are a couple of photos to show you what I have been up too! 

This is my nieces first birthday party! Look at the cuteness! 

This is my first 'A' of the semester! 

Here is Gigi is standing up, now if she could only figure out how to move. As soon as she stand and realizes she can't move she cries. 

And here is my most current manicure, it's fall inspired. It is China Glaze Foie Gras and Finger Paint Flakies. It reminds me of the changing leaves on the trees. 

Ok so that is it for this update post! Maybe I can do more like this in the future! If not be sure to follow me on Instagram @mynailsmypolish to see what's been going on! 

Love you guys and talk to you all soon! 
<3 Nicole