Monday, March 24, 2014

Maybelline Baby Skin Review.

Hi guys! I hope you all had an awesome weekend. I worked mine as usual, what else is new!

Today I bring you a beauty review on a product that made a huge splash in the drugstore market back in January/February.

What I'm talking about is the Maybelline Baby Skin Pore Eraser. Why is it that drugstore  and high end products are becoming more mouthfuls to say?

Anyway this amazing product is a primer that is supposed to help eliminate the look of your pores and smooth out your skin.

In all my time teaching myself how to use makeup I never really used a primer. I did try one, it was the Hard Candy Sheer Envy Primer back when Hard Candy first hit Walmart. The super slick silicone texture of the primer didn't appeal to me and my make up just slid off my face, so in to the trash the primer went.

When I saw that Baby Skin was going to be hitting drugstores I heard that a lot of people were claiming it was like Benefits The Porefessional, which is a $30 primer available at Sephora. I'm not gonna lie, a dupe for a high end primer? I told myself that I needed to give this a try, even though my past experience with primer was not so fun.

I finally found Baby Skin at my local Walgreen's and saw that it was only $6.99! Color me very impressed. Sure the size is small but I'm still using the first tube I bought back in February, I am literally coming to the end of it now!

As you can see from the above photo I have a back up waiting to go when my original tube is finished.  I always use this on my skin when do a full make up look! Even though this primer is mostly silicone I don't get the same feeling that I did when I used primer back in the day!

I didn't notice a huge difference in the texture of my skin, I mean it blurred a few imperfections but that's about it. HOWEVER, this primer made my foundation apply much more smooth, and it made my makeup last a long time! At least a work shift which is about 5-8 hours!

This primer is clear so it doesn't add any color to your skin so it won't cover up any redness, or even out your skin tone. The texture is nice, you can feel the silicone but its like absorbs into your skin creating a nice base. I'm curious to see how this is going to hold up in the heat when the summer hits!  Also a small amount goes a long way, so I'm glad this product has lasted me almost two months!

If you guys want to pick up a tube of Baby Skin I have definitely seen it at Walgreens, Walmart and CVS. I haven't seen it at Rite Aid Yet but its probably on the wall display. All the drug stores have it around the same price $6.99-$7.19.

I hope you guys enjoyed this review and Ill talk to you all soon!
<3 Nicole