Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Holy crap, Its my 3rd blogaversary!!?? Also its my 250th post!

Good afternoon lovelies!!! Its an exciting day here on the blog! Today My Nails. My Polish. turns three!!

I cannot believe that I have been blogging that long! I just wanted to say a huge THANK YOU to all of you from all over the world who come to this little blog and take a look at it. It means so much to me. 

I have made so many friends in the nail polish/beauty community its been so incredible. I also want to say thank you for sticking with me even when I wasn't posting due to school or otherwise. I am hoping that in the future that I can put a lot of focus on this blog, I have come to realize that I love writing this blog and I love nail polish and makeup and all things girly and I find enjoyment by sharing my thoughts about it with all of you!

One other cool thing today is that this is my 250th post!! How cool is that?! 

So for today's post I have some nail art to share. Its not spectacular because I think I personally suck at nail art. However I wanted to do something, I originally planned a galaxy manicure but it came out looking horrid, so I attempted to redo it last night and the redo came out even worse. I think we can say I suffered through two disasticures! So I settled with do some bright nails in hopes that it would get spring here a little quicker. 

Its actually in the 40s today and sunny, I'm hoping it will stay this way! 

On to the manicure! 

I started off with painting my nails a base color of Honeydew from Fresh Paints, a brand that is available through Five Below. Like I have said in the past that their nail polish choices change up every so often so they may not have this color, or they may come out with a variation of this color later in the year. 

Honeydew is a bright neon pastel green.  It is streaky and takes about three coats to get a nice even coverage. Just make sure you let each coat dry so you avoid dragging and smudging of your nails! 

Then I took Nicole By OPI and created some dots for leopard spots. It has a nice contrast against the bright green and kind of makes me think about Summer and being outside and wearing bright colors. All the good things that come with warm weather. 

I even did a thumb accent nail too. My other hand didn't come out as well and I even debated about how much I liked this manicure. I almost took this one off too! Its slowly growing on me. I then topped everything off with a new quick dry top coat I bought from Jesse's Girl Cosmetics, its from Julie G.'s line called Jet Set. Its really nice, doesn't smear my designs and dries just as quick as Seche Vite. 

So that's if for my 3rd blogaversary post! I hope that you guys enjoyed it and stay tuned to the blog for more nail post and beauty posts! 

Once again I want to say thanks to everyone who comes and visits the blog, follows on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook! Oh and also Bloglovin! 

If you aren't following me on Social media you totally should! I most active on Twitter and Instagram! The links to all of them should be up on the right hand side of the page! 

THANK YOU I'll talk to you all soon! 
<3 Nicole