Saturday, April 12, 2014

Blue Cross Beauty: Summer Brights Nail Polish.

Hi everybody!! How is your weekend going. I am most definitely soaking up the sun on my end. Its in the 70's here at least until Tuesday before it rains.

Today I have for you a nail polish that is super appropriate for the upcoming warm weather!

On a recent trip to Rite Aid ( my holy grail for everything drugstore) I saw that Blue Cross Beauty, a brand I've only seen at Rite Aid came out with some bright fun colored polishes for the Spring.

Out of the five or six colors I saw I picked up the brightest blue that they had. I've been really into wearing bright colors the last few weeks, I think its just with the way I've been feeling at the moment plus I'm excited for warm weather.

Lets get down to it shall we? This polish a neon mid tone blue that has a slightly darker blue shimmer running through it, plus it has very tiny bits of silver glitter mixed in. They look great in the bottle but I don't think they transfer to the nail well, unless I just applied it too quickly, not giving enough time in between coats. In my case that's probably what happened, I'm so impatient.

I like this polish more with a top coat then matte. Hence there are no photos of it matte. The formula is a bit on the sheer side and it takes at least 3-4 to make it opaque enough for my liking so I don't see any visible nail line. The one bright side of the formula is its not to thick or watery so you don't have to worry about flooding or it getting gloopy.

Another highlight of this polish is the bottle. I absolutely love the chunky square bottle! It makes for the perfect hand position. All the Summer Bright polishes are a full 15ml so you are definitely getting your bang for your buck. If I recall these polishes are about $3.99. They had some other nice colors, like a mint green and a pastel pink and I think even a lighter blue, but this one called out to me.

I hope you guys enjoyed this post and I will see you next time! Don't forget to follow on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook for other beauty/nail polish stuff!

<3 Nicole