Thursday, April 24, 2014

I'm on Youtube!

Good morning lovelies! I hope you all are doing well!

I first off want to apologize for the lack of posts here over the last week or so. I've been busy with life things and something really really exciting!

You may have already seen this on my Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, but I'm gonna share it here too!

I made a YouTube video!! I have been wanted to make a YouTube video for a long time and every time I would start something would go wrong, the camera would be out of focus, whatever it was I kind of gave up on it for a little bit.

But I took the leap of faith over Easter weekend and filmed my first video, ( now that I knew how to focus the camera properly and the weather was cooperating!).

Its titled Whats In My Bag where I show you the contents of whats in my big ole' purse. I was inspired to do it after seeing Missglamorazzi's video.

So below you will find the video I hope you guys enjoy it. If you like what you see please please subscribe and comment, I want as much feedback as I can to improve my videos.

That being said the same goes here on the blog. I will still post a ton here too, so please don't be afraid to comment on a post! I want to know what you think! I value my readers opinion a lot! 

Stay tuned to the blog for so much more coming up and of course any videos I post to Youtube I'll try to post here too!

I'll talk to you guys soon! <3 Nicole