Monday, April 7, 2014

Rimmel Sweetie Crush Texture Polish: Candy Floss Cutie and Sherbert Sweethearte

Good evening lovelies! How are you all? I am doing great I am proud to say that I have been made an honorary aunt twice in the last two weeks! One of my best girl friends, (well I only have like 3 anyway) just had her first daughter who is named Sophia, and my bestest friend Stephanie, her sister just had her second daughter TODAY! Her name is also Sofia but spelt differently. Both babies are happy and healthy and the most precious ever! I can't wait to meet both of them soon!!

Today I have for you swatches of two new polishes that have popped up at the drugstore, or in my case at lease Rite Aid. (That's where I got them from.)

So let me ask you all this? Are you guys done with the whole textured polish craze? If not then Rimmel London  may have the next set of polishes you want!

I love the texture polishes I own with the exception of the China Glaze ones, I like them but I don't like the way they texturize, if that makes sense. However so far of all the texture polishes Rimmel is definitely one of my favorite brands by far.

This line is called Sweetie Crush and includes five colors I believe, a light purple, a pastel green, a sky blue and the two colors I picked up, a pastel pink called Candy Floss Cutie and a pastel yellow called Sherbert Sweetheart.

I picked colors that I thought I didn't have from any other brand.

Lets take a look at Candy Floss Cutie. The pastel pink color kind definitely makes me think of Easter and coloring Easter eggs and having that fake Easter grass in the bottom of your Easter basket.

The formula on this was sheer but very buildable, it took about three coats to get to opacity, where as with other texture polishes like the Julie G ones sometimes you can get away with one coat. Although those textures I find to be thicker and a little gloopy. These Rimmel London ones are not.

What I love the most about these polishes is the feeling they have once they have dried. There not super texture-y, these feel more of a soft texture, even with three coats.  Oh and to top it all off there sparkly!!! Who doesn't love shimmer and sparkle???

Now lets take a look at Sherbert Sweetheart. I definitely feel the name fits the polish on this one. Its a pastel yellow that makes me think of lemons and sherbert but also those marshmallow Peeps! I haven't had a Peep in forever! Did you know they even make birthday cake peeps???

Anyhow, this texture just doesn't do it for me. I used three coats like with Candy Floss Cutie, but the yellow is more sheer, so my visible nail line is still slightly visible.

I think I might use this over a yellow polish so the texture pops more like how its concentrated in the bottle. I so wish that it transferred to the nail that way.

The formula on Sherbert Sweetheart is the same as CFC its thin and the texture finish is the same. I'm thinking if I can go back to Rite Aid I might just pick up the rest of the collection to see how the rest fair.

If you want to get your little nails on these affordable textures they retail for $2.25 at local Rite Aid stores!

Thats it for today! I'll catch you guys on Wednsday!! <3 Nicole

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