Sunday, June 1, 2014

Julie G Cruise Collection Swatches!

Good Sunday morning to you lovelies! I am so sorry its been forever and a day since I posted a blog post! That crazy thing called life just got a little hectic but hopefully things will be changing/looking up soon.

If you saw my latest YouTube video then you know I recently acquired five of the six Julie G Cruise Collection polishes. Today I want to share swatches of those polishes with you.

First up is Miami Heat,  its a bright pink coral creme that is perfect for the hot summer days ahead.

My photo makes it more of darker coral but its more a middle toned. The formula is nice, creamy not runny, opaque in two coats and dry time is normal. If you pair this with the Julie G Jet Set Top Coat then your polish will be unstoppable.  This color I can see on my toes as I dig my feet into the sand at a beach or a lake this summer!

Next up is Old San Juan, I have to say I'm not usually a fan of bright orange polishes, its just a shade that doesn't always suit my skin tone but this one is one of the few that does!

It makes me think of a color you would see at block parties and festivals that go on throughout the summer. It just makes everything brighter, like a ball of sunshine. Formula on this one was okay. The first coat was a little patchy but not by much and a second to third coat really smoothed it out.

Santorini seems to be the polish of this collection that everyone wanted to get there hands on! I remember seeing Julie G post a photo on Instagram from I believe IMATS showing that it was the one color completely sold out. I was so glad my Rite Aid had it in stock in full on the display.

I freaking love this polish, its definitely my favorite of the bunch, I love bright light blues. Once again my photo shows it a little bit darker, its really more of a sky blue color, but even in the photo above the sky can look that color too. The formula on this was just like Miami Heat, creamy and opaque in two coats. This one and Old San Juan were the first two polishes I tried from this collection if you saw this photo on my Instagram!

This collection features a yellow polish called Canary Islands. I am always hesitant on buying yellow polishes because they are either streaky and the formula sucks or they are just not the right shade of yellow.

Canary Island is a nice creamy buttery yellow that reminds me of birds (its the first thought that pops in my head) so I guess that name is appropriate for it.

The formula on Canary Islands is nice, creamy a little patchy on the first coat but not bad at all, I believe I used three coats to get what you see in the photo above. Its probably one of the better yellow polishes that I have tried over the three years I've been blogging.

Lastly we have Thaiti a beautiful mint green that has beautiful blue shimmer in it. I believe its the only one in the line to have a shimmer to it. Sadly you can't see it in photos but in person you know its there. I didn't know if I was gonna like this one to be honest because I have quite a few mint polishes and even ones that have shimmer in it. I thought that maybe Thaiti would be similar to
Julie's other mint polish called Sharks cove but alas I don't own Sharks Cove to compare.

The photo shows this to me more of a sea foam green color but its a little more lighter in real life. When looking at my other mint polishes its definitely a different shade, as most of us nail polish enthusiast know we can justify owning similar colors because they are slightly different. The formula on this was just like the others, creamy and takes about two to three coats to be opaque with the first coat being kind of streaky.

The only color in this collection I didn't get was a purple shade called Rio De Janerio. I didn't buy it because I didn't think the shade would look nice with my skin tone. I have other polishes in that shade range and I hardly wear them because I don't like the way they look. I offered to buy it for my mom because that's her kind of shade she has yet to take me up on my offer.

So out of the five polishes I did buy my favorites are Santorini, and Miami Heat. I mean I love all of them but if I had to choose two shades to go back to over and over it would be those two.

Julie G Nail polish is available at your local Rite Aid for $3.99 or on Jesses' Girl Cosmetics website! If you want some fun summer colors I suggest you pick these up today!