Sunday, May 4, 2014

Wet 'n' Wild Mind Your Own Bismuth

Hi lovelies! I hope you all are well!

Today's polish is definitely a throwback polish! This polish came out in spring of 2012 and was apart of the Chrome Collection from Wet 'n' Wild. It was a limited edition collection and I can't believe I only snagged one of these and then never posted about it!

I have to say for my defense that it was still early in my blogging days and I was not very vigalant about post all the time.

Lets take a look at this oldie but goodie.

The name is really cute to start with, Mind Your Own Bismuth. I do remember that these polishes had city realated names.

Since this polish is going on two years old its a little on the thick side. If my memory serves me correctly it wasn't this thick when I purchased so obviously age has gotten to it.

I used three coats plus top coat in my photos. Although I could of gotten away with two.

I haven't used this for stamping yet but I'm curious to see since its thicker now if it would work. This polish back in 2012 was $3.99 and judging by the size of this polish it was not full size so I can't believe I paid four bucks for it.

This polish however will stay in my stash and I'll try to make a mental note to use it before it goes to polish heaven.

I hope you guys enjoyed this post and I'll see you in the next one.
<3 Nicole