Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Review: Hard Candy Fierce Effects Eye Shadow Duos.

Good Morning lovelies! i hope you all are well!

Today I bring you a review on a new product from the Walmart exclusive brand Hard Candy! Every time I go to Walmart I always check out the beauty section and check to see if there is anything new, so I was so glad a few weeks ago to see that some of the newest Hard Candy products had made its way to my local Walmart shelves.

The first product I picked up that caught my eye was these new eye shadow duos called Fierce Effects. From what I saw at Walmart they have four different duos to choose from. Plus they all look like each color compliments the other in the pack.

The duo I picked up is called Slow and Steady, one shadow is a shimmery champagne color and the other is a dark brown.

Here is what the packaging looks like from Hard Candy's Website. (I accidentally threw mine out before taking a photo of it.)

Credit: Hard Candy Makeup. 

"Hard Candy Fierce Effects Shadow Duo Eyeshadow features a unique hybrid texture that is not a powder or a cream and provides velvety texture with luminous color. Each shade is intensified with a second pigment for a multi-dimensional pearl finish. With intense staying power, these cushiony silky pigments offer a comfortable, long-wearing formula." --Hard Candy's Description from their website

I would have to agree with Hard Candy's description of the Fierce effect duos, they are very soft and velvety smooth, and are very pigmented. As for saying whether they are a cross between a powder or a cream, I would say they lean more towards a loose powder pigment. 

These eye shadows remind me greatly of the L'oreal Infallible 24 hour loose eye shadows. The packaging is very similar and after doing some research I didn't see any information that L'oreal (or their parent company) owns Hard Candy. 

Here is what the L'oreal Infallible Eye Shadow I have looks like. 

And here are the Hard Candy Fierce Effects duos.

Inside the shadows the set up is the same too where you have a little disk with a handle pressing the pigment down so it doesn't go all over the place.

If you guys follow me on here or on Instagram or Twitter, you know I love my neutral eye shadows and its my go-to look 90 percent of the time. So it was no clue that I would love these eye shadows.

These are perfect for me when I go to work early in the morning, I don't have to keep switching back between different palettes and rummaging through my stash at 5am.

Lets take a look at swatches.

The first photo is of the duo in sunlight. The champagne color is my favorite of the duo. Its not just a shadow for your lid but I love using it in other looks as an inner corner highlight. 

Here are the colors swatched in the shade. I should also say that these are swatched over no eye shadow primer! How awesome is that? 

As for staying power, without primer, I've noticed with my combination skin they last about 4-5 hours. If I use primer I get about 6-8 hours of wear, especially if I don't touch my face. I have this tendency to hold my head in my hands or if I get an itch on my eye, I forget I'm wearing makeup and tend to rub. 

I think these duo's are great. I do have one request though and that is maybe making more colors available. Out of the four duos they have Slow and Steady and one other called Lost and Found are ones I would wear. Who knows though, maybe in 2015 Hard Candy will come out with more options. 

If you want to get your hands on these Fierce Effects Duos they are available at Walmart for $5 bucks! 

See you guys in the next post, <3 Nicole. 

*All products mentioned in my post are purchased by me unless otherwise stated. I am not affiliated with any companies mentioned above and I am not being compensated.*