Friday, March 1, 2013

China Glaze Light As Air.

Hello and happy Friday!!! Hope all is well!

Today I bring you a polish that has been on my wishlist for a while. A couple weeks ago I went to a beauty supply store with my BFF  Stephanie that is for professionals only. Lucky for me she s a licensed cosmetologist and can get me into the really good stores. This store was called Cosmo Prof. I think it is the same company that puts on the Cosmo Prof trade show that's for professionals, if I have my facts straight about it.

Anyway there is one little Cosmo Prof. store about 40 minutes from where we live and we decided to take a road trip to find it. Once we found it we were undoubtly excited to get in there and see what we could find. She blames every nail polish she purchases on me, I love being an enabler!

The store isn't huge but big enough that is has pretty much all the OPI's you can dream of and some China Glaze. I was hoping they would have more choices in brands of polish, especially Color Club but no. They had a few other brands I had never heard of as well but they weren't so appealing. So I stuck to picking out one or two OPI's. Usually OPI's are $8.99 when I purchase them at other beauty supplies that are open to the public like The Beauty Plus Salon, but here at Cosmo Prof they were $4.25 a piece! What a steal! So I immediately went looking for the Euro Centrale Collection which they had displayed on an end cap. They had all of the DS polishes too, but there weren't any prices on them so I didn't buy any. After grabbing a couple of OPI's  the employee's showed us the clearance section. Now there wasn't much to choose from sadly, most of the polishes were ones I already had or ones I knew I didn't want. Plus a lot of them were older and separated which means they had been sitting there some time. There was one polish though that caught my eye which was China Glaze Light As Air. Light as air is from the Up & Away collection, when I first started collecting polishes I made an ultimate list of what I wanted to buy off of one of the E retailers and this was on that list.

With the clearance price it was on sale for $1.99! I couldn't pass that up so that was the last one I grabbed. So that's what I have to show you, Introducing Light As Air.

These photos are two coats, no top coat and in natural light.

Light As Air is a crème finish polish that I would say is a lavender grey color. Two coats brings it to perfect opacity, and for once on the first coat there wasn't much streaking at all! You'll see in a later post I used this as a base for some nail art!

I'm definitely glad I grabbed this polish, I can't wait to wear it when the warmer spring weather arrives. I think spring is trying to break through early, its now march so its only 19 days away officially. Every time we get snow its gone by the next day since the temps are finally above freezing!

I only have one complaint about Cosmo Prof. The employees as much as they were trying to be helpful, they were extremely rude and annoying. They literally followed me and Steph around like we were criminals waiting to see if we were going to steal anything. Every turn it was "can I help you" I explained to them that I am a nail blogger and I know what I was looking for but mainly browsing too. The clerk looked at me like I have three heads, when Steph asked the lady at the front counter what product she used to get her hair blue, I mean it was this nice vibrant blue that faded out towards the bottom, the lady replied " uh bleach." and Steph went " I know that but what did you use to get the blue color?" I understand people have the right to be aware when people come into their store and there just browsing, I work in retail I know, but at least there could of been a little more hospitality and not so much hovering like we were little kids.

So until next time!
<3 Nicole